
I am working through writing a simple Java UDP client; apparently none
of the clients already written support UDP, sigh.

The example response in the GET section of the binary protocol shows
Key as None, meaning it is omitted in the response.

   Field        (offset) (value)
   Magic        (0)    : 0x81
   Opcode       (1)    : 0x00
   Key length   (2,3)  : 0x0000
   Extra length (4)    : 0x04
   Data type    (5)    : 0x00
   Status       (6,7)  : 0x0000
   Total body   (8-11) : 0x00000009
   Opaque       (12-15): 0x00000000
   CAS          (16-23): 0x0000000000000001
   Extras              :
     Flags      (24-27): 0xdeadbeef
   Key                 : None
   Value        (28-32): The textual string "World"

However, in the prior section it states:

   Response (if found):

      MUST have extras.
      MAY have key.
      MAY have value.

Under which conditions will the key be present? Under which conditions
will it not. Can someone clarify this in the spec and in this forum?

Thank you,


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