On Tue, 29 Dec 2009, MGMega wrote:

> Libevent 2.0 seems to be 100-200% faster than 1.4 based on
> http://www.provos.org/index.php?/archives/61-Small-Libevent-2.0-Performance-Test.html
> .  Is it recommended to use it?  I realize it's in alpha but I didn't
> see any errors so far on a test box and does memcache take advantage
> of evbuffer_add_reference()?

No one's trying it on the developer end so far as I know...

The speedup here is about libevent's built in httpd. Using a new buffer
interface/etc. Memcached wouldn't be using any of that, as it's already
doing optimized IO internally.

Unless you're bigger than facebook, odds are you'll be fine with libevent
1.4 and the default threadcount with memcached.


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