> Hi,
> I have huge Vbulletin Forum and i am trying now memcached as i was
> using Xcached before.
> But i wonder why Memcached using so little memory and CPU. And does
> not reduce the load much compare to Xcache?
> This is my screenshots showing memcached static:
> http://i45.tinypic.com/2eqcqck.png
> Is there any setting i should chance so that memcached save me more of
> resources ( lower load)
> Thanks

The only memcaching stuff I've seen vbulletin even have code for is their
"datastore" crap. Which is a tiny subset of data related to languages,
preferences, templates. I sorely wish VB would cache user objects/post
data/whatever, but I don't think it's possible without patching.

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