On Mar 3, 5:18 am, elSchrom <jerome.p...@wer-kennt-wen.de> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I would like to update some memcacheds from their current version
> (1.2.3) to 1.4.4. They are mainly used by php client 1.3.9 at the
> moment. Are there any known snares? I checked the release notes and
> could not find any changes, that would alarm me. But I thought, maybe
> somebody did this before and could share experience.

  One of the PHP clients hard-coded a delayed delete value of 1.  This
was a really bad flaw when it was introduced in the client.

  1.4 obsoleted this feature, but it had a bug where it didn't
properly ignore it.  1.4.4 properly handles delete with a 0 timeout,
but errors on non-zero because they can't be honored.

  The good news is that when I've read the documentation in the one
PHP client that's giving us the most trouble, it was absolutely wrong,
so anyone who was relying on this functionality as documented was not
getting it in the first place.

  Overall, it's the right thing to do.

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