We discovered this as well a few months ago... I don't think we found a
workaround :(

Maybe someone else has?

On Fri, 12 Mar 2010, Jonathan Swartz wrote:

> We make liberal use of the namespace option to
> Cache::Memcached::libmemcached, creating one object for each of our
> dozens of namespaces.
> However I recently discovered that it will create new socket
> connections for each object. i.e.:
>    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
>    use Cache::Memcached;
>    use strict;
>    my ( $class, $iter ) = @ARGV or die "usage: $0 class iter";
>    eval "require $class";
>    my @memd;
>    for my $i ( 0 .. $iter ) {
>        $memd[$i] = $class->new( { servers => ["localhost:11211"] } );
>        $memd[$i]->get('foo');
>    }
>    my $memd = new Cache::Memcached { servers => ["localhost:11211"] };
>    my $stats = $memd->stats;
>    print "curr_connections: " . $stats->{total}->{curr_connections} .
> "\n";
> swartz> ./sockets.pl Cache::Memcached 50
> curr_connections: 10
> swartz> ./sockets.pl Cache::Memcached::Fast 50
> curr_connections: 61
> swartz> ./sockets.pl Cache::Memcached::libmemcached 50
> curr_connections: 61
> I don't know why curr_connections starts at 10. In any case,
> curr_connections will not grow with the number of Cache::Memcached
> objects created, but will grow with the number of
> Cache::Memcached::Fast or Cache::Memcached::libmemcached objects
> created.
> I was a little surprised that libmemcached, at least, didn't have this
> feature. Just wondering if I'm doing something wrong.
> If I want to keep using libmemcached, I guess I will have to create
> just one option and override its namespace each time I use it.
> Jon

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