When I run make test I get the following output:
Slab Stats      56
Thread stats    176
Global stats    108
Settings        88
Item (no cas)   32
Item (cas)      40
Libevent thread 96
Connection      320
libevent thread cumulative      11472
Thread stats cumulative         11376
ok 1 - cache_create
ok 2 - cache_constructor
ok 3 - cache_constructor_fail
ok 4 - cache_destructor
ok 5 - cache_reuse
ok 6 - cache_redzone
ok 7 - strtol
ok 8 - strtoll
ok 9 - strtoul
ok 10 - strtoull
ok 11 - issue_44
ok 12 - vperror
Failed to connect socket: Connection timed out
testapp: testapp.c:1722: test_issue_101: Assertion `fds[ii] > 0'
make: *** [test] Aborted

What is failing here? A more desciptive error message would really


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