I'm running vBulletin by the way

On Apr 18, 2:11 am, dormando <dorma...@rydia.net> wrote:
> On Sat, 17 Apr 2010, wminside wrote:
> > Hi, I'm using memcache.php by Harun Yayli
> Verify with another tool, or telnet to the server and run 'stats'. paste
> the output to the list if you need help, and the wiki covers some stuff
> too.
> curr_bytes / limit_maxbytes gives the "fill rate", but isn't necessarily
> how much memory is actually in use.
> How much is in there depends greatly on what kind of app you have. I've
> seen message boards that store half a meg of junk into memcached then ...
> nothing else. but they hit it every page load so who knows...
> --
> Subscription settings:http://groups.google.com/group/memcached/subscribe?hl=en

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