Normal, default operation of a memcached client is to failover to the next server when a connection fails. So it is possible to have one key exist on more than one server. However, most clients have an option to turn this feature off. In those cases, a failed connection would lead to the source data being regenerated.


On 6/20/10 10:22 AM, Shaulian wrote:
Relating to Memcached FAQ (
FAQ#How_does_memcached_work?), it is clear that when you use more than
on server for memcache, each key exist only one time, and only on one

We are using 2 servers for memcached and 3 servers for app.
Lately we noticed that when we request the same key from AppServ1, it
returns DIFFERENT value when requesting it from AppServ2.
We tried to delete the key from BackOffice in AppServ1, but it was
still exist on AppServ2.
All the above clearly points that the key exists on each server.

We're using .NET memcached client library (

Anyone experienced such a thing ?

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