On 1-7-2010 0:49 Les Mikesell wrote:
On 6/30/2010 5:35 PM, dormando wrote:
For most hardware memcached is limited by the NIC. I'd welcome someone to
prove a simple case showing otherwise, at which time we'd prioritize an
easy fix :)

Does that mean you should use multiple NICs on the servers and spread
the clients over different networks?

Afaik about most operating system and managed switches nowadays support port-trunking to make a bigger pipe of several network-interfaces. We use it on our fileserver for instance which came shipped with four 1 Gbit-ports and we configured it to be a trunk of three on our main network and a single failover-port on our backup network.

Long story short, you don't need to spread the clients across networks to be able to use multiple nics/ports on your server as long as the switches and OS (and maybe the nics too) support port-trunking (server-grade versions of all those probably do that).

Best regards,


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