> Dormando... Thanks for the response. I've moved one of our servers to use an 
> upgraded version running 1.4.5. Couple of things:
>  *  I turned on logging last night
>  *  I'm only running -vv at the moment; -vvv generated way more logging than 
> we could handle. As it stands we've generated ~6GB of logs since last night 
> (using -vv). I'm looking at ways of reducing log
>     volume by logging only specific data or perhaps standing up 10 or 20 
> instances on one machine (using multiple ports) and turning on -vvv on only 
> one instance. Any suggestions there?

Oh. I thought given your stats output that you had reproduced it on a
server that was on a dev instance or local machine... but I guess that's
related to below. Running logs on a production instance with a lot of
traffic isn't that great of an idea, sorry about that :/

> Looking at the logs two things jump out at me.
>  *  While I had -vvv turned on I saw "stats reset" command being issued 
> constantly (at least once a second). Nothing in the code that we have does 
> this - do you know if the PHP client does this perhaps? Is
>     this something you've seen in the past?

No, you probably have some code that's doing something intensely wrong.
Now we should probably add a counter for the number of times a "stats
reset" has been called...

>  *  Second with -vv on I get something like this:
>      +  <71 get resourceCategoryPath21:984097:
>         >71 sending key resourceCategoryPath21:984097:
>         >71 END
>         <71 set 
> popularProducts:2010-06-28:skinit.com:styleskins:en::2000:image_wall:0__type 
> 0 86400 5
>         >71 STORED
>         <71 set 
> popularProducts:2010-06-28:skinit.com:styleskins:en::2000:image_wall:0 1 
> 86400 130230
>         <59 get domain_host:www.bestbuyskins.com
>         >59 sending key domain_host:www.bestbuyskins.com
>         >59 END
>  *  Two questions on the output - what's the "71" and "59"? Second - I would 
> have thought I'd see an "END" after each "get" and "set" however you can see 
> that's not the case.
> Last question... other than trolling through code is there a good place to go 
> to understand how to parse out these log files (I'd prefer to self-help 
> rather than bugging you)?

Looks ike you figured that out. The numbers are the file descriptors
(connections). END/STORED/etc are the responses.

Honestly I'm going to take a wild guess that something on your end is
constantly trying to reset the memcached instance.. it's probably doing a
"flush_all" then a "stats reset" which would hide the flush counter. Do
you see "flush_all" being called in the logs anywhere?

Go find where you're calling stats reset and make it stop... that'll
probably help bubble up what the real problem is.

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