> switched to 4 secs now. also if its a packet loss issue will it make sense to 
> reduce the $retry_interval from the default 15 secs to say 2 
> secs? http://us2.php.net/manual/en/memcache.setserverparams.php
> also the error that i get intermittenly is "COULD NOT CONNECT TO SERVE". Is 
> there a way to find out more? why it was not able to connect? If I restart 
> the memcached with -vvv option, will it give a lot
> more details in the error message? just trying to find a way to get more info
> snehal

top posting.

If you can, I'd recommend writing a commandline php nugget and run it in a
loop reconnecting over and over. Run that under strace and log to file, so
you can see what syscall was returning (RST, timeout, etc).

running memcahced in -vv or -vvv mode will create an intense amount of

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