> I'm having an issue with my memcached farm. I'm using 3 memcached
> servers (v1.2.6) and python-memcached client (v1.43).
> When using get_multi function, memcached returns sometimes keys that I
> wasn't asking for. Memcached can return less data than expected (if
> key-value does not exist), but documentation says nothing about
> returning more data than it should. What can cause this?

Client bugs, or buggy keys I assume? Memcached the server most certainly
only returns the keys you ask for, so if you're getting other ones you
might be using the client object wrong and getting out of sync with the
protocol. Or the client's just buggy...

Sorry, don't have any ideas about what it could be in particular. make
sure you're sending keys that don't have newlines/spaces/etc in them and
that you're not clobbering the object somehow.


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