I use RRDTool for this with derive counter types.  Collect the data you want
from the stats command and use rrdtool to store the data every minute, graph
it out with rrdtool graph and you'll get your trended stats.

On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 12:27 PM, Les Mikesell <lesmikes...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Dustin wrote:
>> On Jul 24, 10:39 pm, Spike <bchhedaf...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> hi, i am newbie to memcached. I need help in finding how to get
>>> throughput stat.
>>> I want to see how much throughput memcache is getting. "stats" command
>>> does not list any stat for through put (requests per sec). Any idea on
>>> how to go about getting that info? Does memcache keep track of this
>>> information?
>>  It's rare to keep derived stats like that in general.  It's usually
>> not interesting.  Do you want average requests per second over the
>> lifetime of the process?  Over the last second?, 60 seconds? 300, 900,
>> 3600, etc...
>>  Most of the time, this is easily observable from the outside.
>> Collect counters -- wait a bit, collect them again, then do your own
>> math.  That'll give you exactly what you want.
> It's a bit off topic for this list, but does anyone know if there are good
> generic tools for that?  There are quite a few designed to convert SNMP
> 'COUNTER' types to rates, check thresholds and keep history to graph the
> trends, but usually the SNMP sampling is closely coupled to the rest of the
> logic.  I think OpenNMS might do it with values it can pick up with http
> requests but I'm not sure how well it handles the spikes that would appear
> from restarts and value rollovers.
> --
>  Les Mikesell
>   lesmikes...@gmail.com

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