Upgrade back to 1.4.5 and look for the 'listen_disabled_num' value in the
stats output. If the number is increasing, you're hitting maxconns.

If not, you're probably seeing packet loss, or have a firewall in the way
that's maxing out.

On Tue, 7 Sep 2010, the_fonz wrote:

> Guys,
> We are seeing tons of these messages reported;
> Memcache::get(): Server (tcp 11211) failed with:
> Connection timed out (110)
> They are reported on all six of our webservers. Memcache is working
> but lots of connections are timing out as reported with the above
> messages.
> We are running memcached 1.2.5 with php-pecl-memcache-2.2.3 (we also
> tried with memcache 1.4.5 but had the same errors). We have PHP 5.2.6
> running on x86 Hardware with Red Hat 5.5.
> We have six web servers all running Apache 2.2 on prefork mode.
> Prefork MaxClients is set to 192.
> Our memcached config looks like this;
> PORT="11211"
> USER="memcached"
> MAXCONN="2048"
> CACHESIZE="2048"
> We are running memcache between webservers on a LAN, no Firewall or
> iptables being used.
> Memcache is used to cache output of scripts most of the time. It could
> be HTML or XML that is delivered to client.
> Our tcp values look like this;
> tcp_fin_timeout
> 60
> tcp_max_orphans
> 65536
> tcp_orphan_retries
> 0
> tcp_keepalive_probes
> 9
> tcp_keepalive_time
> 7200
> I am totally out of ideas, I can't see any dropped packets on the
> network, I just don't know what else to check.
> Any ideas as I am pulling my hair out!
> Thanks

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