It's logical sure but your problem has nothing to do with Memcached I
don't think.

What causes client(s) to get new message(s)?

On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 12:05 PM, - - <> wrote:
> hello,
> I'm trying to write a chat server with memcached. I decided to use memcache
> because of
> Faster than using HDD ( Database )
> Cheaper than using HDD ( Database )
> No need to save history
> I want to take information from you about how much is it logical.
> I'm using php and javascript
> chat.php
> There is a two JS function.
> getmessage: every one second making a request to getmessage.php
> setmessage: sending input valutes to setmessage.php
> getmessage.php
> getCache($room,$data); ( $data is array hold username and text )
> remove($room)
> setmessage.php
> setCache($room,$data)
> But it's not working as i want. When there are 2 or more users, message
> doesn't go everyone.
> I used lock's but it didn't work.
> Is there any example, that i can take a look  ?
> Is it logical to write a chat with memcached ?
> Thank you

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