On Jan 28, 9:39 pm, rspadim <rspa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi guys, there's a async replication project (repcached) that is very
> interesting, could we implement it in main source code? at compile
> time we could select from repcached or memcached
> could we make it sync and/or async?http://repcached.sourceforge.net/

  Memcached has been slow to get releases out, but that is based on a
very, very old version.

  In the areas we've been doing development, we've created APIs for
allowing engines to build replication protocols (and we've got engines
in production using them).

> =========================================================================== 
> ======
> there's some non volatile solutions too that's very interesting
> (memcachedb), for low memory computers we can use disk
> could we implement it in main source code too?http://memcachedb.org/

  Same as above.

> =========================================================================== 
> ======
> another, now !NEW! feature...
> i was looking for a *DISTRIBUTED LOCK MANAGER*, but i only found
> kernel linux lock manager, that's based on file system (flock)
> could we implement a lock manager at memcached?

  A distributed lock manager requires multiple servers to have a
shared knowledge of resources to make agreements on who is owning
shared resources.  This is quite a bit away from what memcached can

  I've written network lock managers before (hand-waving distributed
features by showing where I'd plug them in, but I didn't need them
where I was).

  danga has a real distributed lock management toolkit called ddlockd
where the servers are unaware of each other, but the client does the
cooperation and knowledge sharing on their behalf.

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