On May 21, 5:38 pm, Dustin <dsalli...@gmail.com> wrote:
>   I can't imagine why it wouldn't be worse.  On each iteration, you
> compile a SQL query then block on network activity 20 times in the
> memcached case.  You're doing almost the entire SQLite workload in the
> memcached case and then mixing in a gang of network round trips.
>   In the SQLite case, you should've expected a performance gain since
> you're compiling queries less frequently than you did in the previous
> version.
>   memcached is a network service.  You'd never structure code such
> that the inner loop of your program requires a full round trip over
> the network.  Perform a single get for all of the keys you want and if
> you miss any, compile the query at that time, backfill them, and fill
> in the holes.

Nice. I changed the code to

        sub {
                my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
                my @res = ();

                my $hashref = $memd->get_multi(@ids);

                while (my ($id, $str) = each %$hashref) {
                        unless ($str) {
                                ($str) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
                                $memd->set($id, $str);

                        push @res, [$_, $str];


and now I get

    Benchmark: timing 10000 iterations of query_dbh, query_mem...
    query_dbh:  6 wallclock secs ( 3.28 usr +  1.03 sys =  4.31 CPU) @
2320.19/s (n=10000)
    query_mem: 10 wallclock secs ( 6.57 usr +  1.45 sys =  8.02 CPU) @
1246.88/s (n=10000)

instead of

    Benchmark: timing 10000 iterations of query_dbh, query_mem...
    query_dbh:  6 wallclock secs ( 3.29 usr +  1.03 sys =  4.32 CPU) @
2314.81/s (n=10000)
    query_mem: 54 wallclock secs (30.02 usr +  8.24 sys = 38.26 CPU) @
261.37/s (n=10000)

an almost 5 times improvement.

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