> Hi Matt,              I think it is my fault did not explain my motivation 
> clearly. I am not the one who has the power to
> tear Spymemcached up. Spymemcached helps me a lot , I love Spymemcahced. I 
> just want to share some thing which is valuable. 
>               Thank you for your reply. You must be a loyal user of 
> Spymemcached. I understood you completely. Since it was a open-source
> project, I have my right to suggest and improve it. 
>                One thing is true, I use my client to store 100000 keys in 
> memcached , and it runs well . For spymecahced it failed. 
>                "I can say with a bit of experience, dealing with all of the 
> possible connection issues takes some effort." For god's sake,
> as a will-be member of IT , I have  to say  we were born to solve the 
> problems. I solved a problem, I wanted to share with people. I
> thought it could help someone out of trouble. 
>                Now you are saying a great number of people use Spymemcached 
> quite successfully. People have  the right to choose what they
> love, you can not stop them. You never can. 
>               Thanks Matt, you gave me a idea about my client's future.  I am 
> looking forward to your reply. 

I don't think he meant that you should go fix spymemcached, I think he
meant you should've sent a bug report to their mailing list to see if they
can fix it before hauling off and writing your own client.

He's not a "loyal user", he's one of the authors.


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