This mutex seems to only exist with Storage Engine branch.

We're working on prototyping a new storage engine on top of an NVRAM
device. This morning, the test server hangs. Four worker threads are
blocked waiting for cache_lock. The cache_lock holder is blocked in
"notify_io_complete()" waiting for the thread mutex (thru LOCK_THREAD
macro) - it is our add-on completion handler (thread) that does not
get dispatched via the existing memcached's event_handler(). Examining
the source code by eyes, I don't seem to be able to find the place
where the LOCK_THREAD could be invoked elsewhere.

I'm still checking the code. At the same time, not sure whether folks
can pass the following info to speed up this debugging:

1) what is a "tap_thread" ?
2) what structures are protected by this mutex ?


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