(24 * 60 * 60) == 86400 (a day)

* 5 == 432000

20736000 / 86400 == 240 (days)

expiration times over 30 days are treated as an absolute unix timestamp.

240 days == sometime late in 1970, which is in the past, so the item
immediately expires.

On Wed, 28 Mar 2012, StormByte wrote:

> I've manually ran memcached with -vvv to see what actually happens
> because with older version my code worked good and it does not work
> now (not hitting cache never).
> So I discovered the problem: By default, in my class, I setup the
> expire time in 20736000 which is 5 days in seconds.
> With that value, I always see -nuked by expire in output despite it is
> recently created!
> I discovered that lowering the value, it works indeed, for example
> 9000 seconds and it then works:
> > FOUND KEY AccountData:3
> >28 sending key AccountData:3
> >28 END
> So does it lowered its limits in expire option (or indide memcached
> code?)
> Any hint to have greater expire times?
> Thank you

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