> Hi everyone
> I'm a final year student in computer science at Universidad de Concepción, 
> Chile.  My graduation project is about enhancing Memcached performance
> using wait-free techniques in order to improve multithreading scalability.
> I would like to know if someone has tried this before and what do you think 
> about this approach too.
> Regards.

We've had a lot of different approaches that people have patched over the
years. They're not all wait-free, but all try to scale the central locks
in different ways.

There was an RCU implementation (high read speed, low write speed),
Intel's recent engine (which I haven't examined the source of yet), the
one from ... the solarsomething network company. That one was similar to
what I ended up with, but it increased memory usage.

I was experimenting with the current system the other day and got it up
past 11 million key fetches/sec, which I think can be made into a safe

So I'm saying there've been a bunch of attempts to scale the central locks
but not sure how many are specifically "wait free". Did you have a
particular algorithm in mind? :P

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