I must admit, last time I played with recache was long time ago, so I
may not up-to-date with the latest details.

Re load-balancer, just take my notes regarding latency and throughput.

Sent from my iPhone

On 17 באוק 2012, at 09:15, Kiran Kumar <krn1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for your response and taking  time to answer , As far as i know
> Repcahe patch installed on Memcache  is only for providing the replication
> of Data with in the Servers and nothing to do with Load Balancing concept .
> and i guess  initially  once the request is recievied from  Client , the
> Memcache Framework itself takes care of   distributing  the Load /
> Requests  among the servers of Memcache , So i guess both will be Memcache
> Servers will be participating as  active active nodes (correct me if i am
> wrong here )
> So i guess  it is not that as you said "*Memcache only writes to Master* "
> is not correct ,  correct me if i am wrong here
> So what do you say  installing a Load Balancer only for checking the Heart
> Beat Makes sense here ??
> Please share your ideas
> And as you said , Compare the "curr_items" of the stats command from both
> nodes for testing purose , but how can i really differentiate Data between
> the two Memcache Servers , as far as i know  each of the Server will be
> having same Set of Data as Repcache patch is applied to them ??
> On Wednesday, 17 October 2012 12:02:25 UTC+5:30, Yiftach wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 8:55 PM, Kiran Kumar <krn...@gmail.com<javascript:>
>>> wrote:
>>> Thank you very much .
>>> Another question , If i dont use a LoadBalancer , Will the two Memcache
>>> Servers (Server1 and Server2) with repcache installed on them , will they
>>> be like active active cluster ??
>>> Means , will the  load (requests from memcache client  ) would be
>>> distributed between them ?? before the data is replicated between them ,
>>> Or is it that only one Memcache server will recieve all the requests ??
>> AFAIK repcache is based on a master/slave architecture, you can only write
>> to master but can read from both master and slave. You should take into
>> account that the slave might not be instatntly synced with the latest write
>> operations on the master
>>> If the load is equaly distributed between the Memcache Servers , is there
>>> anyway i can test this that load is equally being distributed between the
>>> two servers  ?? (As i cant test this currently, after applying Repcache
>>> patch to it )
>> Compare the "curr_items" of the stats command from both nodes
>>> On Tuesday, 16 October 2012 22:42:29 UTC+5:30, Yiftach wrote:
>>>> You should take the following into account:
>>>> 1. LB will add another network hop and therefore extra latency for each
>>>> request
>>>> 2. Depending on the throughput of your Memcached servers, LB will
>>>> probably be the bottleneck (unless you are using HW based LB which is too
>>>> expensive)
>>>> On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 5:39 PM, Kiran Kumar <krn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi ,
>>>>> I am using two Memcache servers (Server1 and Server2) with Repcached
>>>>> patch installed  on those  for replication purpose .
>>>>> With the help of repcached patch , data is being replicated on both the
>>>>> servers and its working fine .
>>>>> I have some questions with respect to the above the way its working   .
>>>>> 1. Is  introducing a Load Balancer  in front of  these two Memcache
>>>>> servers to distribute  Data is  a Good Solution ??
>>>>> Will this help in maintaining equal load between the two servers ??
>>>>> *Please share your experience on distributing Load between two
>>>>> Memcache servers (with Repcaced patch on them  )by  using a Load Balancer
>>>>> *
>>>>> Thanks .
>>>> --
>>>> Yiftach Shoolman
>>>> +972-54-7634621
>> --
>> Yiftach Shoolman
>> +972-54-7634621

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