Hi , 

we are using two  Memcached servers clusterted (Master , Master  ) and used 
repcached on top of it for replication purpose ,  for our heavy traffic 

For all logged in users , I am doing a atomic  Memcached cas Operation as 
shown below .

*long casVal = resp.getCas();*
*MemcacheClinet.cas(TOTAL_USERS, 0,value, casVal);*

After doing some research using Memcache Stats Commands on both the servers 
 using get TOTAL_USERS , i found that this key has got a different value on 
each server and its not being replicated properly and its behaving 

Please let me know if is it possible to get this key "TOTAL_USERS" 
replicated properly on both the servers ??

Or is there any other way where  i can manually append the Data to this 
String ??

I am uisng XMemcached 1.4.5 version  with repcached 2.2 installed on to it .

Please share your ideas .

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