
E.g. let's assume your client hash function is *modulo, *then

(1) all keys where *key*  % *number_of_servers* ==0 --> will be stored on
(2) all keys where *key*  % *number_of_servers* ==1--> will be stored on

On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 7:22 PM, Kiran Kumar <> wrote:

>  have two servers on which two web servers and two memcache servers are
> installed . I specified Order Of servers for building the Memcache client
> this way
> String location = "";
>     MemcachedClientBuilder builder = new XMemcachedClientBuilder(
>                 AddrUtil.getAddressMap(location), new int[] {1,3});
> Will this order make any difference in accessing data , if the web and
> memcache servers were installed in the same machiene itself ??


Yiftach Shoolman

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