On Friday, November 2, 2012 3:38:17 PM UTC-4, Rajesh radhavallaban wrote:
> Hi,
> I got stuck in my design to use memcache in my application.
> I have two Application server Clients ( App1 and App2) and I have two 
> memcache server. (M1 and M2)
> Step1: update Key1 with value "Test1" from App1 at 10:30 AM in M1(assume 
> key stored in M1)
> Step2: update Key1 with value "Test2" from App1 at 10:31 AM but failed new 
> network burp issue between APP1 and M1, but APP1 reachable to M1 and M2, 
> APP1 can reach to M2, so Key1 is updated in M2 with value "Test2"
> Step3: I am reading Key1 from APP2(M1 is reachable), reading old value 
> "Test1"(M1 not yet reachable from APP1)
> How do I handle this issue
> Scenario2:
> Step1: update Key1 with value "Test1" from App1 at 10:30 AM in M1(assume 
> key stored in M1)
> Step2: update Key1 with value "Test2" from App1 at 10:31 AM but failed new 
> network burp issue between APP1 and M1, but APP1 reachable to M1 and M2, 
> APP1 can reach to M2, so Key1 is updated in M2 with value "Test2"
> Step3: I am reading Key1 from APP2(M1 is reachable), reading old value 
> "Test1"(M1 not yet reachable from APP1)
> Step 4: Now App1 can reach to M1.
> Step5: I am reading Key1 from APP1, reading old value "Test1"(M1 not yet 
> reachable from APP1)
> Sorry Questions is , What is the best way to handle this scenario.

Any help is appreciated
> Rajesh

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