I'm using memcached 1.6 on windows.
I downloaded it from the engine-pu branch and I got it compiled on my 
windows system.
I noticed two big issues:
The first on is related to the stats. Using mcstats (the one that I got 
compiled with memcached) after the third attempt of getting the server 
stats, memcached crashes;
To reproduce it:

   1. Launch memcached;
   2. Launch mcstats three times;

The second one is related to max bytes limit. No matter what limit you set 
for memcached, the server will increase it according with the traffic to 
the server;
To reproduce it:

   1. Launch memcache with no options (limit is set to 64 mb);
   2. Generate a high traffic load to memcached (transfer 5/6 GB of data 
   from and to the server);

Is there any chance to get them fixed?
Please let me know if you need more details about the issues.

Thanks for the help;
Pier Paolo

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