Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 300 by Memcached 1.6 - Max memory auto-increase

No matter what limit you set for memcached, the server will increase the max memory to use for items according with the traffic to the server;
To reproduce it:

1: Launch memcache with no options (limit is set to 64 MB);
2: Generate a high traffic load to memcached (transfer 5/6 GB of data from and to the server);
3: Check the server stats;

Expected result:
Max memory to use for items should stay set to 64 MB;
Memcached keeps increasing this limit according to the traffic to the server;

Memcached 1.6/engine-pu on Microsoft Windows.
Compiled using msysGit/mingw

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