Actually if you bothered to look at the init file I linked you to, it
supports putting options into config files.

On Tue, 18 Dec 2012, Tiago Franco wrote:

> Hi Dormando,
> Thanks. Memcache indeed supports multiple instances, but the arguments are 
> sent via command line.
> My objective is to store the port, etc, in configuration files instead.
> Dustin got that one covered.
> Thanks,
>   TF
> On Monday, December 17, 2012 7:21:35 PM UTC, Dormando wrote:
>       > Hi,
>       > I have several instances of memecached running on the same machine, 
> in different ports. I need to build an init script to deal with
>       all instances, but I would like to write a configuration file for each 
> instance.
>       >
>       > How can I tell memcached to read the configuration from a file, 
> instead of reading the configuration from the command line arguments?
>       >
>       > Thanks in advance,
>       >   Tiago Franco
>       Pretty sure the init script in the tarball supports multiple instances?
>       Give it a read through. (scripts/memcached-init in the tarball).

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