
Currently I'm using memcached 1.4.13.
Sometimes the ->remove() method doesn't work. It looks like that the value 
stays there.
I can't say when it exactly doesn't work, but several hundreds times it 
works as expected: the value will be cached, and can be removed without 
problems - so the code looks really good at that place. But after several 
hundreds of successfull times, it doesn't remove the value.
The question is: is/was this a known problem? Does anybody have some ideas?

I'm usind the Zend Framework.

Here is the important part of PHP code:

public static function getCache() {
    if (!self::$cache) {
        $options = array(
            'servers' => array(
                    'host' => Config::get('cache.memcached.host'),
                    'port' => Config::get('cache.memcached.port'),
                    'persistent' => true,
                    'weight' => 1,
                    'timeout' => 5,
                    'retry_interval' => 15,
                    'status' => true,
                    'default_lifetime' => 3600
        self::$cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Core', 'Memcached',
            array('caching' => true, 'automatic_serialization' => true, 
'lifetime' => null),

    return self::$cache;

public function getCountCached($user_id) {
    $cache = System::getCache();
    $cache_id = 'count_values__' . $user_id;

    if ($cache->test($cache_id)) {
        $data = $cache->load($cache_id);
    } else {
        $data = $this->countValues($user_id);
        $cache->save($data, $cache_id, array(), Time::hours(2));

    return (int)$data;

public function invalidateCountCache($user_id) {
    $success = false;

    for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
        if (!$success) {
            $success = System::getCache()->remove('count_values__' . 
        } else {

As I somewhere read before: ->remove() method also often returns FALSE, 
also in case of removing was successful.

I hope somebody have some Idea.

With best regards,


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