What are your startup args?

On Mon, 3 Aug 2015, Scott Mansfield wrote:

> I've attached a pretty simple program to connect, fill a slab with data, and 
> then fill another slab slowly with data of a different size. I've been trying 
> to get memcached to run with the lru_crawler and lru_maintainer flags, but I 
> get '
> Illegal suboption "(null)"' every time I try to start with either in any 
> configuration.
> I haven't seen it start to move slabs automatically with a freshly installed 
> 1.2.24.
> On Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 4:55:17 PM UTC-7, Scott Mansfield wrote:
>       I realize I've not given you the tests to reproduce the behavior. I 
> should be able to soon. Sorry about the delay here.
> In the mean time, I wanted to bring up a possible secondary use of the same 
> logic to move items on slab rebalancing. I think the system might benefit 
> from using the same logic to crawl the pages in a slab and compact the data 
> in the background. In the case where we have memory that is assigned to the 
> slab but not being used because of replaced or
> TTL'd out data, returning the memory to a pool of free memory will allow a 
> slab to grow with that memory first instead of waiting for an event where 
> memory is needed at that instant.
> It's a change in approach, from reactive to proactive. What do you think?
> On Monday, July 13, 2015 at 5:54:11 PM UTC-7, Dormando wrote:
>       > First, more detail for you:
>       >
>       > We are running 1.4.24 in production and haven't noticed any bugs as 
> of yet. The new LRUs seem to be working well, though we nearly always run 
> memcached scaled to hold all data without evictions. Those with evictions are 
> behaving well. Those without evictions haven't seen crashing or any other 
> noticeable bad behavior.
>       Neat.
>       >
>       > OK, I think I see an area where I was speculating on functionality. 
> If you have a key in slab 21 and then the same key is written again at a 
> larger size in slab 23 I assumed that the space in 21 was not freed on the 
> second write. With that assumption, the LRU crawler would not free up that 
> space. Also just by observation in the macro,
>       the space is not freed
>       > fast enough to be effective, in our use case, to accept the writes 
> that are happening. Think in the hundreds of millions of "overwrites" in a 6 
> - 10 hour period across a cluster.
>       Internally, "items" (a key/value pair) are generally immutable. The only
>       time when it's not is for INCR/DECR, and it still becomes immutable if 
> two
>       INCR/DECR's collide.
>       What this means, is that the new item is staged in a piece of free 
> memory
>       while the "upload" stage of the SET happens. When memcached has all of 
> the
>       data in memory to replace the item, it does an internal swap under a 
> lock.
>       The old item is removed from the hash table and LRU, and the new item 
> gets
>       put in its place (at the head of the LRU).
>       Since items are refcounted, this means that if other users are 
> downloading
>       an item which just got replaced, their memory doesn't get corrupted by 
> the
>       item changing out from underneath them. They can continue to read the 
> old
>       item until they're done. When the refcount reaches zero the old memory 
> is
>       reclaimed.
>       Most of the time, the item replacement happens then the old memory is
>       immediately removed.
>       However, this does mean that you need *one* piece of free memory to
>       replace the old one. Then the old memory gets freed after that set.
>       So if you take a memcached instance with 0 free chunks, and do a rolling
>       replacement of all items (within the same slab class as before), the 
> first
>       one would cause an eviction from the tail of the LRU to get a free 
> chunk.
>       Every SET after that would use the chunk freed from the replacement of 
> the
>       previous memory.
>       > After that last sentence I realized I also may not have explained 
> well enough the access pattern. The keys are all overwritten every day, but 
> it takes some time to write them all (obviously). We see a huge increase in 
> the bytes metric as if the new data for the old keys was being written for 
> the first time. Since the "old" slab for the
>       same key doesn't
>       > proactively release memory, it starts to fill up the cache and then 
> start evicting data in the new slab. Once that happens, we see evictions in 
> the old slab because of the algorithm you mentioned (random picking / freeing 
> of memory). Typically we don't see any use for "upgrading" an item as the new 
> data would be entirely new and should
>       wholesale replace the
>       > old data for that key. More specifically, the operation is always 
> set, with different data each day.
>       Right. Most of your problems will come from two areas. One being that
>       writing data aggressively into the new slab class (unless you set the
>       rebalancer to always-replace mode), the mover will make memory available
>       more slowly than you can insert. So you'll cause extra evictions in the
>       new slab class.
>       The secondary problem is from the random evictions in the previous slab
>       class as stuff is chucked on the floor to make memory moveable.
>       > As for testing, we'll be able to put it under real production 
> workload. I don't know what kind of data you mean you need for testing. The 
> data stored in the caches are highly confidential. I can give you all kinds 
> of metrics, since we collect most of the ones that are in the stats and some 
> from the stats slabs output. If you have some
>       specific ones that
>       > need collecting, I'll double check and make sure we can get those. 
> Alternatively, it might be most beneficial to see the metrics in person :)
>       I just need stats snapshots here and there, and actually putting the 
> thing
>       under load. When I did the LRU work I had to beg for several months
>       before anyone tested it with a production load. This slows things down 
> and
>       demotivates me from working on the project.
>       Unfortunately my dayjob keeps me pretty busy so ~internet~ would 
> probably
>       be best.
>       > I can create a driver program to reproduce the behavior on a smaller 
> scale. It would write e.g. 10k keys of 10k size, then rewrite the same keys 
> with different size data. I'll work on that and post it to this thread when I 
> can reproduce the behavior locally.
>       Ok. There're slab rebalance unit tests in the t/ directory which do 
> things
>       like this, and I've used mc-crusher to slam the rebalancer. It's pretty
>       easy to run one config to load up 10k objects, then flip to the other
>       using the same key namespace.
>       > Thanks,
>       > Scott
>       >
>       > On Saturday, July 11, 2015 at 12:05:54 PM UTC-7, Dormando wrote:
>       >       Hey,
>       >
>       >       On Fri, 10 Jul 2015, Scott Mansfield wrote:
>       >
>       >       > We've seen issues recently where we run a cluster that 
> typically has the majority of items overwritten in the same slab every day 
> and a sudden change in data size evicts a ton of data, affecting downstream 
> systems. To be clear that is our problem, but I think there's a tweak in 
> memcached that might be useful and another possible
>       feature that
>       >       would be even
>       >       > better.
>       >       > The data that is written to this cache is overwritten every 
> day, though the TTL is 7 days. One slab takes up the majority of the space in 
> the cache. The application wrote e.g. 10KB (slab 21) every day for each key 
> consistently. One day, a change occurred where it started writing 15KB (slab 
> 23), causing a migration of data from
>       one slab to
>       >       another. We had -o
>       >       > slab_reassign,slab_automove=1 set on the server, causing 
> large numbers of evictions on the initial slab. Let's say the cache could 
> hold the data at 15KB per key, but the old data was not technically TTL'd out 
> in it's old slab. This means that memory was not being freed by the lru 
> crawler thread (I think) because its expiry had
>       not come
>       >       around. 
>       >       >
>       >       > lines 1199 and 1200 in items.c:
>       >       > if ((search->exptime != 0 && search->exptime < current_time) 
> || is_flushed(search)) {
>       >       >
>       >       > If there was a check to see if this data was "orphaned," i.e. 
> that the key, if accessed, would map to a different slab than the current 
> one, then these orphans could be reclaimed as free memory. I am working on a 
> patch to do this, though I have reservations about performing a hash on the 
> key on the lru crawler thread (if the hash
>       is not
>       >       already available).
>       >       > I have very little experience in the memcached codebase so I 
> don't know the most efficient way to do this. Any help would be appreciated.
>       >
>       >       There seems to be a misconception about how the slab classes 
> work. A key,
>       >       if already existing in a slab, will always map to the slab 
> class it
>       >       currently fits into. The slab classes always exist, but the 
> amount of
>       >       memory reserved for each of them will shift with the 
> slab_reassign. ie: 10
>       >       pages in slab class 21, then memory pressure on 23 causes it to 
> move over.
>       >
>       >       So if you examine a key that still exists in slab class 21, it 
> has no
>       >       reason to move up or down the slab classes.
>       >
>       >       > Alternatively, and possibly more beneficial is compaction of 
> data in a slab using the same set of criteria as lru crawling. 
> Understandably, compaction is a very difficult problem to solve since moving 
> the data would be a pain in the ass. I saw a couple of discussions about this 
> in the mailing list, though I didn't see any firm
>       thoughts about
>       >       it. I think it
>       >       > can probably be done in O(1) like the lru crawler by limiting 
> the number of items it touches each time. Writing and reading are doable in 
> O(1) so moving should be as well. Has anyone given more thought on compaction?
>       >
>       >       I'd be interested in hacking this up for you folks if you can 
> provide me
>       >       testing and some data to work with. With all of the LRU work I 
> did in
>       >       1.4.24, the next things I wanted to do is a big improvement on 
> the slab
>       >       reassignment code.
>       >
>       >       Currently it picks essentially a random slab page, empties it, 
> and moves
>       >       the slab page into the class under pressure.
>       >
>       >       One thing we can do is first examine for free memory in the 
> existing slab,
>       >       IE:
>       >
>       >       - Take a page from slab 21
>       >       - Scan the page for valid items which need to be moved
>       >       - Pull free memory from slab 21, migrate the item (moderately 
> complicated)
>       >       - When the page is empty, move it (or give up if you run out of 
> free
>       >       chunks).
>       >
>       >       The next step is to pull from the LRU on slab 21:
>       >
>       >       - Take page from slab 21
>       >       - Scan page for valid items
>       >       - Pull free memory from slab 21, migrate the item
>       >         - If no memory free, evict tail of slab 21. use that chunk.
>       >       - When the page is empty, move it.
>       >
>       >       Then, when you hit this condition your least-recently-used data 
> gets
>       >       culled as new data migrates your page class. This should match 
> a natural
>       >       occurrance if you would already be evicting valid (but old) 
> items to make
>       >       room for new items.
>       >
>       >       A bonus to using the free memory trick, is that I can use the 
> amount of
>       >       free space in a slab class as a heuristic to more quickly move 
> slab pages
>       >       around.
>       >
>       >       If it's still necessary from there, we can explore "upgrading" 
> items to a
>       >       new slab class, but that is much much more complicated since 
> the item has
>       >       to shift LRU's. Do you put it at the head, the tail, the 
> middle, etc? It
>       >       might be impossible to make a good generic decision there.
>       >
>       >       What version are you currently on? If 1.4.24, have you seen any
>       >       instability? I'm currently torn between fighting a few bugs and 
> start on
>       >       improving the slab rebalancer.
>       >
>       >       -Dormando
>       >
>       >
>       > On Saturday, July 11, 2015 at 12:05:54 PM UTC-7, Dormando wrote:
>       >       Hey,
>       >
>       >       On Fri, 10 Jul 2015, Scott Mansfield wrote:
>       >
>       >       > We've seen issues recently where we run a cluster that 
> typically has the majority of items overwritten in the same slab every day 
> and a sudden change in data size evicts a ton of data, affecting downstream 
> systems. To be clear that is our problem, but I think there's a tweak in 
> memcached that might be useful and another possible
>       feature that
>       >       would be even
>       >       > better.
>       >       > The data that is written to this cache is overwritten every 
> day, though the TTL is 7 days. One slab takes up the majority of the space in 
> the cache. The application wrote e.g. 10KB (slab 21) every day for each key 
> consistently. One day, a change occurred where it started writing 15KB (slab 
> 23), causing a migration of data from
>       one slab to
>       >       another. We had -o
>       >       > slab_reassign,slab_automove=1 set on the server, causing 
> large numbers of evictions on the initial slab. Let's say the cache could 
> hold the data at 15KB per key, but the old data was not technically TTL'd out 
> in it's old slab. This means that memory was not being freed by the lru 
> crawler thread (I think) because its expiry had
>       not come
>       >       around. 
>       >       >
>       >       > lines 1199 and 1200 in items.c:
>       >       > if ((search->exptime != 0 && search->exptime < current_time) 
> || is_flushed(search)) {
>       >       >
>       >       > If there was a check to see if this data was "orphaned," i.e. 
> that the key, if accessed, would map to a different slab than the current 
> one, then these orphans could be reclaimed as free memory. I am working on a 
> patch to do this, though I have reservations about performing a hash on the 
> key on the lru crawler thread (if the hash
>       is not
>       >       already available).
>       >       > I have very little experience in the memcached codebase so I 
> don't know the most efficient way to do this. Any help would be appreciated.
>       >
>       >       There seems to be a misconception about how the slab classes 
> work. A key,
>       >       if already existing in a slab, will always map to the slab 
> class it
>       >       currently fits into. The slab classes always exist, but the 
> amount of
>       >       memory reserved for each of them will shift with the 
> slab_reassign. ie: 10
>       >       pages in slab class 21, then memory pressure on 23 causes it to 
> move over.
>       >
>       >       So if you examine a key that still exists in slab class 21, it 
> has no
>       >       reason to move up or down the slab classes.
>       >
>       >       > Alternatively, and possibly more beneficial is compaction of 
> data in a slab using the same set of criteria as lru crawling. 
> Understandably, compaction is a very difficult problem to solve since moving 
> the data would be a pain in the ass. I saw a couple of discussions about this 
> in the mailing list, though I didn't see any firm
>       thoughts about
>       >       it. I think it
>       >       > can probably be done in O(1) like the lru crawler by limiting 
> the number of items it touches each time. Writing and reading are doable in 
> O(1) so moving should be as well. Has anyone given more thought on compaction?
>       >
>       >       I'd be interested in hacking this up for you folks if you can 
> provide me
>       >       testing and some data to work with. With all of the LRU work I 
> did in
>       >       1.4.24, the next things I wanted to do is a big improvement on 
> the slab
>       >       reassignment code.
>       >
>       >       Currently it picks essentially a random slab page, empties it, 
> and moves
>       >       the slab page into the class under pressure.
>       >
>       >       One thing we can do is first examine for free memory in the 
> existing slab,
>       >       IE:
>       >
>       >       - Take a page from slab 21
>       >       - Scan the page for valid items which need to be moved
>       >       - Pull free memory from slab 21, migrate the item (moderately 
> complicated)
>       >       - When the page is empty, move it (or give up if you run out of 
> free
>       >       chunks).
>       >
>       >       The next step is to pull from the LRU on slab 21:
>       >
>       >       - Take page from slab 21
>       >       - Scan page for valid items
>       >       - Pull free memory from slab 21, migrate the item
>       >         - If no memory free, evict tail of slab 21. use that chunk.
>       >       - When the page is empty, move it.
>       >
>       >       Then, when you hit this condition your least-recently-used data 
> gets
>       >       culled as new data migrates your page class. This should match 
> a natural
>       >       occurrance if you would already be evicting valid (but old) 
> items to make
>       >       room for new items.
>       >
>       >       A bonus to using the free memory trick, is that I can use the 
> amount of
>       >       free space in a slab class as a heuristic to more quickly move 
> slab pages
>       >       around.
>       >
>       >       If it's still necessary from there, we can explore "upgrading" 
> items to a
>       >       new slab class, but that is much much more complicated since 
> the item has
>       >       to shift LRU's. Do you put it at the head, the tail, the 
> middle, etc? It
>       >       might be impossible to make a good generic decision there.
>       >
>       >       What version are you currently on? If 1.4.24, have you seen any
>       >       instability? I'm currently torn between fighting a few bugs and 
> start on
>       >       improving the slab rebalancer.
>       >
>       >       -Dormando
>       >
>       > --
>       >
>       > ---
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