*I have installed memcached ,php-pecl-memcached and libmemcached.*

1.memcached (1.4.24)
2.php5.5.30 , php-pecl-memcached (2.2.0)

I try with php script test.php
$mc = new Memcached();
$stats = $mc->getAllKeys();
echo "Return code:", $mc->getResultCode()."\n";
echo "Retucn Message:", $mc->getResultMessage () ."\n";
print_r ($stats);
Return code:9
Retucn Message:CLIENT ERROR

*I look the log on memcached server log*

<36 stats cachedump 57 0
<36 stats cachedump 58 0
<36 stats cachedump 59 0
<36 stats cachedump 60 0
<36 stats cachedump 61 0
<36 stats cachedump 62 0
<36 stats cachedump 63 0

>36 CLIENT_ERROR Illegal slab id
<36 quit
<36 connection closed.

*I change to memcached version 1.4.15 ,and try php script test.php*

Return code:0
Retucn Message:SUCCESS
[0] => qinyao
[1] => andy


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