
-m doesn't take units, and apparently doesn't error if you give it a bad

>  b'limit_maxbytes': 67108864,

Sadly, it's gone to its default of 64 megabytes of memory. Sorry about
that :(

try: "-m 64000" - you should be able to confirm with 'ps' that you're not
using the memory as-is.

On Wed, 27 Mar 2019, Jerome Kieffer wrote:

> Hi Dormado,
> Thanks for your prompt feed-back.
> On Tue, 26 Mar 2019 11:06:10 -0700 (PDT)
> dormando <dormando@#######> wrote:
> > Seems like this is a borderline use case, but it might still work for you.  
> From what I read on the internet, it looks like we are miss-using the
> tool ... but on the other hand I don't see why it shouldn't work ...
> > How did you verify you found the cause? Can you share snapshots from
> > "stats items" and "stats slabs" output after your test was run?
> >
> > Memory isn't evenly distributed; it's assigned where objects actually
> > exist. so either you've filled the server with other objects or
> > there's been a miscalculation. It's possible you're hitting client
> > timeouts or something.  
> This is how I performed the test, using one of the many Python bindings (I 
> tested 3 of them with the same effect)
> On the server side:
> memcached -m 64G -I 16m -vv
> On the client side:
> Generate the data:
> import numpy  
> shape = (2048,2048)  
> nframes, scan = 1024, 0
> data = [numpy.random.randint(0,65530, 
> numpy.prod(shape)).reshape(shape).astype("uint16") for i in range(nframes)]
> print(len(data[0].tostring()), type(data[0].tostring()))                      
> --> 8388608 <class 'bytes'>  
> Connection:
> from pymemcache.client.base  import Client
> client = Client(('', 11211))
> The test for writing:
> %time scan+=1;res=[client.set('scan%d_frame%d'%(scan,idx),
> frame.tobytes()) for idx,frame in enumerate(data)]
> --> 8.5s for 8G of data  
> client.stats()                                                                
> {b'pid': 12731,
>  b'uptime': 390,
>  b'time': 1553627843,
>  b'version': b'1.5.6',
>  b'libevent': b'2.0.21-stable',
>  b'pointer_size': 64,
>  b'rusage_user': 0.174296,
>  b'rusage_system': 2.338119,
>  b'max_connections': 1024,
>  b'curr_connections': 1,
>  b'total_connections': 2,
>  b'rejected_connections': 0,
>  b'connection_structures': 2,
>  b'reserved_fds': 20,
>  b'cmd_get': 0,
>  b'cmd_set': 1024,
>  b'cmd_flush': 0,
>  b'cmd_touch': 0,
>  b'get_hits': 0,
>  b'get_misses': 0,
>  b'get_expired': 0,
>  b'get_flushed': 0,
>  b'delete_misses': 0,
>  b'delete_hits': 0,
>  b'incr_misses': 0,
>  b'incr_hits': 0,
>  b'decr_misses': 0,
>  b'decr_hits': 0,
>  b'cas_misses': 0,
>  b'cas_hits': 0,
>  b'cas_badval': 0,
>  b'touch_hits': 0,
>  b'touch_misses': 0,
>  b'auth_cmds': 0,
>  b'auth_errors': 0,
>  b'bytes_read': 8589977522,
>  b'bytes_written': 0,
>  b'limit_maxbytes': 67108864,
>  b'accepting_conns': 1,
>  b'listen_disabled_num': 0,
>  b'time_in_listen_disabled_us': 0,
>  b'threads': 4,
>  b'conn_yields': 0,
>  b'hash_power_level': 16,
>  b'hash_bytes': 524288,
>  b'hash_is_expanding': False,
>  b'slab_reassign_rescues': 0,
>  b'slab_reassign_chunk_rescues': 2,
>  b'slab_reassign_evictions_nomem': 0,
>  b'slab_reassign_inline_reclaim': 0,
>  b'slab_reassign_busy_items': 0,
>  b'slab_reassign_busy_deletes': 0,
>  b'slab_reassign_running': False,
>  b'slabs_moved': 1,
>  b'lru_crawler_running': 0,
>  b'lru_crawler_starts': 1020,
>  b'lru_maintainer_juggles': 5931,
>  b'malloc_fails': 0,
>  b'log_worker_dropped': 0,
>  b'log_worker_written': 0,
>  b'log_watcher_skipped': 0,
>  b'log_watcher_sent': 0,
>  b'bytes': 58720774,
>  b'curr_items': 7,
>  b'total_items': 1024,
>  b'slab_global_page_pool': 0,
>  b'expired_unfetched': 0,
>  b'evicted_unfetched': 1017,           <==
>  b'evicted_active': 0,
>  b'evictions': 1017,
>  b'reclaimed': 0,
>  b'crawler_reclaimed': 0,
>  b'crawler_items_checked': 6,
>  b'lrutail_reflocked': 4,
>  b'moves_to_cold': 1024,
>  b'moves_to_warm': 0,
>  b'moves_within_lru': 0,
>  b'direct_reclaims': 1197,
>  b'lru_bumps_dropped': 0}
> client.stats("items")                                                         
> {b'items:39:number': 7,
>  b'items:39:number_hot': 0,
>  b'items:39:number_warm': 0,
>  b'items:39:number_cold': 7,
>  b'items:39:age_hot': 0,
>  b'items:39:age_warm': 0,
>  b'items:39:age': 71,
>  b'items:39:evicted': 1017,                <==
>  b'items:39:evicted_nonzero': 0,
>  b'items:39:evicted_time': 0,
>  b'items:39:outofmemory': 0,
>  b'items:39:tailrepairs': 0,
>  b'items:39:reclaimed': 0,
>  b'items:39:expired_unfetched': 0,
>  b'items:39:evicted_unfetched': 1017,      <==
>  b'items:39:evicted_active': 0,
>  b'items:39:crawler_reclaimed': 0,
>  b'items:39:crawler_items_checked': 6,
>  b'items:39:lrutail_reflocked': 4,
>  b'items:39:moves_to_cold': 1024,
>  b'items:39:moves_to_warm': 0,
>  b'items:39:moves_within_lru': 0,
>  b'items:39:direct_reclaims': 1197,
>  b'items:39:hits_to_hot': 0,
>  b'items:39:hits_to_warm': 0,
>  b'items:39:hits_to_cold': 0,
>  b'items:39:hits_to_temp': 0}
> client.stats("slabs")                                                         
> {b'2:chunk_size': 120,
>  b'2:chunks_per_page': 8738,
>  b'2:total_pages': 1,
>  b'2:total_chunks': 8738,
>  b'2:used_chunks': 7,
>  b'2:free_chunks': 8731,
>  b'2:free_chunks_end': 0,
>  b'2:mem_requested': 840,
>  b'2:get_hits': 0,
>  b'2:cmd_set': 0,
>  b'2:delete_hits': 0,
>  b'2:incr_hits': 0,
>  b'2:decr_hits': 0,
>  b'2:cas_hits': 0,
>  b'2:cas_badval': 0,
>  b'2:touch_hits': 0,
>  b'11:chunk_size': 944,
>  b'11:chunks_per_page': 1110,
>  b'11:total_pages': 1,
>  b'11:total_chunks': 1110,
>  b'11:used_chunks': 7,
>  b'11:free_chunks': 1103,
>  b'11:free_chunks_end': 0,
>  b'11:mem_requested': 5726,
>  b'11:get_hits': 0,
>  b'11:cmd_set': 0,
>  b'11:delete_hits': 0,
>  b'11:incr_hits': 0,
>  b'11:decr_hits': 0,
>  b'11:cas_hits': 0,
>  b'11:cas_badval': 0,
>  b'11:touch_hits': 0,
>  b'39:chunk_size': 524288,
>  b'39:chunks_per_page': 2,
>  b'39:total_pages': 58,
>  b'39:total_chunks': 116,
>  b'39:used_chunks': 112,
>  b'39:free_chunks': 4,
>  b'39:free_chunks_end': 0,
>  b'39:mem_requested': 58720256,
>  b'39:get_hits': 0,
>  b'39:cmd_set': 1024,
>  b'39:delete_hits': 0,
>  b'39:incr_hits': 0,
>  b'39:decr_hits': 0,
>  b'39:cas_hits': 0,
>  b'39:cas_badval': 0,
>  b'39:touch_hits': 0,
>  b'active_slabs': 3,
>  b'total_malloced': 67108864}
> --
> ---
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