Friends and Colleagues,


I’d like to share a new paper with you authored by ICANN’s Office of the CETO 
entitled “DNS Resolvers Used in the EU”.


This study demonstrates a clear difference between enterprise and consumer 
behavior when it comes to DNS recursive resolver choice in the EU. Our analysis 
shows that different sized consumer ISPs serving different customer segments 
make different choices for DNS resolution.


In this paper we have proposed a few possible reasons for these variations. The 
numbers are changing over time. We did see an increase in the proportion of 
public resolvers used by consumers from 2021 to 2022. The ICANN OCTO Identifier 
Technology Health Indicators (ITHI) will define and track new metrics based on 
this study.


You can download the paper here >> [PDF].


Happy reading.


Thank you,


Fahd Batayneh


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