Dear All,


ICANN’s Office if the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO) published a new paper 
entitled “Methodology to Classify Unsolicited Email Threats”


Email, a fundamental form of communication, faces increasing threats from 
unsolicited messages. Differentiating these types of threats is essential to 
take appropriate mitigation measures and deploy effective security controls. It 
is also an important part of ICANN’s mission to monitor, understand, and report 
email-based DNS threats. Being able to correctly classify a report as being a 
genuine threat or not means that ICANN, and others, can have greater confidence 
in our conclusions.


Spam is typically the largest portion of DNS abuse in the data that is listed 
by reputation feed providers. Therefore, being able to confidently separate 
spam as a delivery mechanism of malicious content from other types of content 
is essential for our work.


This research delves into the complexities of this issue, examining the diverse 
categories, inherent threats, and the role of language in classifying 
unsolicited emails. To build a dataset of 10.8 million unsolicited emails 
(spam), which cover a period of four and a half years, this study constructed a 
robust email processing pipeline and methodology for categorizing unsolicited 
emails into spam, scam, phishing, and adult content.


Thank you,


Fahd Batayneh


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