Hi all

I thought http://sysadminday.com/ would be a good time to give people an update
on how the Mer infra is supported at the moment.

The first thing is to thank Aaron Siego / MakePlayLive and the Vivaldi tablet
project for their support for two of Mer's servers until October last year.
Sadly that project has now officially wound up and whilst I've supported the
machines since then we're now looking for sponsors to keep those machines 

I'd also like to thank our ongoing and longtime sponsors (name/nick/#servers

David Greaves/lbt/5
Jolla Oy//4
Carsten Munk/stskeeps/3
Martin Brook/vgrade/1

To sponsor a server - or more, looking at any companies out there :) - costs a
bargain €50 per month. We do prefer people to commit to ongoing sponsorship but
we say at least 6 months. Email me for more info if you think you can help.

Nb - sponsors get top priority for OBS builds in their home directory :)

Obviously not everyone can support us at that level so feel free to send one-off
donations too - use pay...@merproject.org or drop me a private email for bank
details. Please talk to me about larger donations as I need to account for
those. For the record I'll pool those donations and offset them against one-time
costs like setup fees for servers or services or use them to support unexpected
shortfalls in ongoing donations.

For those wondering what it's used for: the servers are used as both
virtualisation hosts and as build servers for the OBS.

The main services are:
* OBS : web, backend, source server, workers
* Releases and package download, OBS repositories
* Mer Bugzilla
* Nemo Bugzilla
* Git hosting
* IMG: Image creation service
* BOSS automation
* QA reports
* Wiki and web
* irc bots
* Admin: System monitoring, puppet, backups, security, internal wiki, LDAP

So please thank our sponsors : these services literally would not exist without
their support :)

David/lbt - your Mer/Nemo sysadmin

"Don't worry, you'll be fine; I saw it work in a cartoon once..."

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