not really relevant; ever ridden with a Deaf friend? not having ears to rely
on, their vision skills are developed to where they see things most Hearies
would be amazed by,...

    FWIW, earphones covering *both* ears are illegal in Calif. as well.


Laurence MacNeill wrote:

> At 12:08 AM 6/21/2005, you wrote:
> >><<I use Bose noise-cancelling headphones in my 300SD when I'm on the
> >>highway. $300. Instant lexus. Also great music fidelity when you plug
> >>'em into anything that plays>>
> >
> >Illegal in my state. You can't hear sirens.
> >
> >RLE/Seattle
> You know, I've always thought laws like that are so stupid...  Deaf people
> can get driver's licenses...  So why do things that make it harder to hear
> while driving need to be illegal?  It's just another way for the State to
> collect taxes...
> Laurence MacNeill

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