How about the Eng and Tranny is sealed. No Dip Stick.
Drain Oil Install $100.00 Dipstick Fill eng with specific
amount of oil, different for each type of eng. Hook up computer.
Start eng until computer reads 82° C Shutdown eng. Wait 10 min.
Take reading. Look up reading on Eng Chart. Add amount of oil
chart says to. Then Repeat the steps. Remove the dipstick unless
customer want's it.
I don't think the 5min oil change places are going to to that.
Oh! BTW the New eng Oil sensors only have 3mm tolerance of Go-NoGo Level.

Russ W.

Mitch Haley wrote:

Russ Williams wrote:
He went to school on them last weekend. How about 1.5 hours of labor to
change the oil. Oyvay.

Let me guess. $500 worth of insulating panels under the engine
compartment, which quick lubes and indies will throw away at
the first oil change. Ten years from now, when the cars start
falling into intelligent hands, the panels will cost $2000 to

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