I know these threads get tiring, but I am still in my
first year of "dieseling" and I recall from this past
winter the mantra "Diesel is always higher in the
winter because of demand for heating oil. Gas is
higher in the summer becuase of the travel season"
Fall agricultural use also uses alot of diesel it was
said...can't see, personally, how it's more than
planting in winter - it should be less. Plow, till,
rotovate, plant, cultivate, etc...harvest is nothing
in comparison.

ANYWAY, What the hell is the story now?

>From what I know, there are no "diesel refineries",
there are oil refineries and all sorts of stuff gets
separated out. It can only be two things, it seems:
1. Higher demand. Well, I doubt that as train shipping
has jumped substantially (this happens in uncertain
economic times and confirmed by my friend who works
for one of the big rail freight lines) and trains use
ALOT less diesel to move the same freight as trucks
would. Is trucking up so much to offset this and
create higher demand?
2. Conspiracy (unproveable speculation here). The oil
companies remember that the '70's oil crisis caused a
jump in the sale of diesel vehicles. It's happening
again. Many new diesel models introduced. Front cover
of local car mag advertized the diesel Passat Wagon at
30-whatever mpg, etc. Fed gov just passed a $4,000 (!)
tax credit for the purchase of a new diesel vehicle.

The oil co's didn't care in the 70's/80's as they sold
gas and diesel. WHAT IS DIFFERENT NOW is that BioD is
becoming increasingly popular (log way to go, but no
doubt it is happening). I am wondering if they are not
keeping the cost high to DISSUADE the purchase of
diesel vehicles which in a few years might be able to
fill up on BioD for less than dinoD, which will mean
$0 from THAT customer to big oil (unless they are in
the BioD game too (I would be if I were them)).

In Germany BioD is the CHEAPEST fuel available...so
with economy of scale, price will come way down. (Euro
fuels are so high becuase they are about 70% tax).

Thoughts on the conspiracy theory?

P.S. THe old 240D (new to me) is working great.
Fun...going from the SD to it is like driving a
Mercedes go-cart...peppier than I thought (W115 might
be the reason).


Christopher McCann, Raytown, Missouri
-1985 300SD, 207K miles, "Wulf" http://don.homelinux.net/mbz/Chris
-1976 240D, ManyK miles,  "AKP-Wagen" (Alternativen Kraftstoffs Prüfenlastwagen 
= Alternative Fuel Test Vehicle)
-1998 Toyota Sienna CE, 99K miles, "The Van"

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