Bob Rentfro wrote:
> Here's one I have never run trunk won't open. There is
> plenty of vacuum to everything else in the whole car and no the key
> isn't locked. I never use the key.
> What do I need to do to get it open and how can disable the locking
> mechinisms to be able to use the stinkin car to go to Las Vegas
> tomorrow? Hard to throw luggage in the trunk when you can't open it.

Well, the first thing to try is turning the lock counterclockwise as far
as it will go and holding it, while pushing in on the button and trying
to lift the trunk lid.  Works on mine.

As a last resort, you could do what the previous owner of my car did.
Faced with a non-working vacuum system and only having a valet key, he
cut a small access hole in the sheet metal behind the license plate so
he could manually push the rod into the unlocked position.  He cut it on
only three sides, then bent it back into place and taped over it when he
was done.  With the license plate on, you can't see it.  This might be
tricky if you don't have a good mental image of where things are inside.

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