Wanted to warn all you folks since I put myself seriously at risk yesterday and 
didn't realize it until this morning. I've been selling some stuff on eBay 
lately and yesterday got an email supposedly from a seller asking about where 
his stuff was. It looked just like an eBay email with the "click here to 
respond" so I clicked there, put in my password and was taken to an auction 
that wasn't mine. I did a search for the supposed buyer and found out he's not 
an ebay member any more. I was real tired and didn't think anything more of it. 
This morning I checked and sure enough the link in the email is for a site 
other than eBay, dang. So quick like an idiot bunny I changed my eBay password 
and then just for the good of it my PayPal password too. I don't *think* 
anything was damaged but only time will tell...
Beware! If it looks suspicious it probably is!

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