Potter, Tom E wrote:
> Plasticy, maybe, but the body was/is almost indestructible. There is
> a growth industry in discovering ways to get rid of the bodies. It
> seems the material they were made of has a half-life greater than
> U-235. They are actually paving roads with ground up bodies. Beats
> the hell out of our rust-seeking money pits.

The same is probably true of Saturn body panels, but even Saturn is
moving away from the whole plastic body panel idea.  It makes the car
heavier (because the panels can't carry any load) and it doesn't allow
for the narrow, precise panel gaps that people expect on modern cars.
It's not that the plastic can't be molded that precisely; it's that it
swells in the sun and the doors would swell shut if they didn't have
huge gaps around them.

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