Mea culpa on that score too, Marshall.  I realized that soon after I'd
hit the 'send' button.  Don't know that I'm particularly more guilty
than most but I'm sure I've sinned enough.

I've about given up hope for a useful list driven archive.  When I
encounter anything of potential value I just forward it to my personal
archive.  Then at least I can  winnow the chaff & can't fault anyone
else for my own lack of filing skills.  ;-/


On 8/21/05, Marshall Booth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Joe Knight wrote:
> > And I thought this thread had something to do with the chain crimping
> > tool.  Silly me!
> I must agree, but I don't know of any way to efficaciously answer or
> comment on a particular post without retaining the original "subject." I
> notice that your post about not changing misleading "subject lines"
> retained the "Chain crimp tool" subject line as well.
> If there were a CLEAR policy on that (say change the line followed by a
> "was - old subject") then I'd sure TRY to follow it (I'm SURE I'd
> sometimes slip) but there seems to be NO clear policy and changing the
> subject line when that's relevant is a rare and pleasant surprise - not
> something that's routinely done.
> In addition to the frustration of trying to follow an active discussion
> thread in the absence of relevant subject headers, without a requirement
> for relevant subject lines, an archive becomes little more than a BIG
> trash can that people can root through, but with lots of resulting
> frustration. Sort of like shelving books in a library randomly or by size!

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