Toe sucker?  ( must be a Canadian thing........ ) 

 You know,  Ass kisser? Minion? Lap dog?  Ankle grabber? Butt boy? Wimp? Puffta 
? Knob?  Take you're pick............. but it ain't me.

I was once nice enough to say I was sorry to him on list to which I got no 
acknowledgment in return either on site or off. Yeah, you could say there's 
some history here. Let's just say we ignore each other and leave it at 
 His research is good because he knows computers and seems to have all the time 
in the world to find things for the undeserving, lazy types that seem hang out 
around here but I occasionally see things that aren't right. I'm not up to 
getting into arguments or being stomped on by every ( see the above list ) dude 
that just has to defend him so hey, WTF. I'm cool.

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