Remind me never to try out trucking for a living! 


--- RAH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Christopher wrote:
> >That's very interesting. I had no idea that this
> was
> >done on such a large scale...or that some trucks
> had
> >the capability built in (as the other poster
> >mentioned). Cool. Did you notice getting better
> >mileage with the blacker fuel?
> Christopher,
>     Sorry I cant help you much with fuel mileage
> between tanks of fuel.
>     I would NOT drive for one of those company's
> that had a fuel mileage bonus figured into the pay
> per mile. The only way you could make the fuel
> mileage bonus was to shut your truck off anytime the
> wheels weren't turning!(Some drivers still couldn't
> make the MPG bonus and put fuel in their trucks out
> of their own pockets to get full pay per mile!) Even
> if it was -30 in Rawlins or 110 in Phoenix! The way
> I looked at it, that truck was my house for 3-6
> weeks at a time and the hotshots in the office that
> thought they could save the Co. $$ didn't have the
> heat and ac shut off in their houses! So I rarely
> shut off my truck.  
>  One of the Co. I drove for would post a monthly avg
> for each tractor, but that's all I knew of or cared
> about my fuel mileage. Smart Company's that wanted
> better fuel mileage upgraded their equipment.
> Example Mech. Cummins 315HP and 350HP I was getting
> an avg.of 4-4.5 MPG. Computer controlled 60 Series
> Detroit's an avg. of 6-6.5 MPG that includes the
> last one that was 500HP.
>     I don't think the used oil hurt Big Truck fuel
> pumps or injectors, with the mandated low sulfur it
> may even have helped. I say that because when we had
> the Cummins and the first 1-2 years with the
> Detroit's they didn't care what kind of anti-gel we
> used. Just get what ever they have at the truckstop.
> Then Detroit started refusing to honor the warrantee
> on injectors they said were damaged with unapproved
> fuel additives. Then the Company started getting
> pissy and didn't want us to put anything in the
> fuel. They said the Detroit's circulated enough fuel
> you didn't need any anti-gel with winterized fuel
> cut with K1. as long as you didn't shut off your
> truck that is! But that Theory didn't work for the
> Reefers! And they started handing out the approved
> anti-gel at the shop for the Detroit's and
> Thermo-Kings. Detroit never said anything about used
> oil in the fuel, But they did say they could tell if
> an unapproved additive was used when they inspected
> the Injector. 
>     All that said I WOULD NOT PUT USED OIL IN MY
> 300SD EITHER!! MB fuelpumps and injectors are
> completely different animals than a Big Trucks. I
> don't know for sure it would hurt a Mercedes but I
> wouldn't want to find out with my good car. I would
> buy a beater and test it first like you are.  Russ
> H.
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Christopher McCann, Raytown, Missouri
-1985 300SD, 209K miles, "Wulf" 
-1976 240D, ManyK miles,  "AKP-Wagen" (Alternativen Kraftstoffs Prüfenlastwagen 
= Alternative Fuel Test Vehicle) DISCLAIMER: DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME! I AM A 
-1998 Toyota Sienna CE, 99K miles, "The Van"

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