One of the rear running lights on the 300SDL burnt out and the dead
light bulb light (the one that looks like a bomb icon) on the dash lit
up everytime I turned on the headlights. Since I didn't consider that
light essential, I didn't change it right away - couldn't remember it
during the daylight hours. After a month or tow  of this, the dead
light bulb light came on any time the car is on. I figured there was a
timer somewhere that was saying - hey stupid, don't ignore me! So I
changed the dead bulb, it works now, every other bulb I can find works
now, but the dead light bulb dash light still lights up every time the
car is on. I thought maybe the "computer" has to be re-set, I found
the applicable fuse, pulled it out for 30 seconds or so, and put it
back. That warning light is still on!
Is there another bulb that I can't that's supposed to working when the
head lihts are off that I'm missing? Is there a secret re-set code?
Any ideas?

Thanks -
Norman, OK 
'87 300SDL
'81 240D
'78 450SLC

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