Kind of strange hearing people talk about self defence with hand guns. It's
something that not on the radar around here. No one talks about hand guns or
how they perform or how much they will mess someone up. That sort of thing
is pretty much taken for granted without ever owning one or using one for
any reason.
There are those who own hand guns but their use is very restricted and
almost no one gets a carry permit. Police, military, ( some ) customs
agents, swat teams, armed guards, RCMP and special opts all carry side arms
but the average Joe can't or won't.
After spending over a billion dollars on gun control all we still have is
the same drug lords and gangs shooting at each other. 95% of our hand gun
shootings are done by the above list. Police shootings are added to our
homicide rates, probably to make it look higher than it is.
Oddly, the public likes to hear about crime, just not in their back yard or
house. If there was no crime reported they'd think the police were sitting
around Tim Horton's drinking coffee and eating doughnuts.

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