Seems odd doesn't it that the government is expected to take care of all 
those "poor defensless people" in NO. Are the ones demanding rescue now the 
ones who failed to heed the MANDATORY evacuation of the city BEFORE the 
hurricane hit? Are those who are now "without food and water" the same ones who 
scoffed and berated the government for telling them to prepare for chemical and 
boilogical attacks a year or so ago? Did they have their 3 days of food and 
put away for disasters? Hasn't the government been preaching that you need to 
be self sufficient for at least 3 days after a disaster? We're now in the 
fourth day and according to the Black Congressional Congress spokesman this 
morning "infants are dieing due to lack of formula", "people are dieing due to 
of food and water". One day without food and water causes death? 

Or are these people the ones who believe the government should protect them 
from everything? Being a part of emergency services (fire dept) for the past 26 
years has showed me that very few people actually think it could happen to 
them. Well, a good portion of the south is now learning a lesson.

To that man who was rescued from his attic who was critical of how long it 
took rescuers to get to him and then said he didn't leave because "HE DIDN'T 
THINK IT WOULD BE THAT BAD", You caused your own problem. I feel no sympathy. 
You're a selfish bastard who is taking resources that should be used for 

There are some legitimate reasons for still being in the City and needing 
help. First, some poor or indigent folks simply didn't have a method to leave. 
Some stayed for essential services. Some were actually there to help restore 
services when the storm was over. If they need help they deserve anything we 
do. To those who stayed and are now looting, they should be shot. (mandatory 
gun content)

To the Red Cross who is collecting money to help the effort, screw you! When 
your Chairman lowers his almost $500,000.00 salary down to a reasonable level 
I might start contributing again. I urge my friends to donate to local efforts 
with real people doing real work. Not large organizations who continually 
boost thier salaries and benefits using charitable contributions. 

During 9-11, the International Assoc Of Firefighters used volunteer and 
current staff time to collect and distribute funds to those in need. Check with 
your own unions, your local charities, the "helplines" and volunteer aid 
societies to find a place to donate to that uses 100% of the money for help to 
in need. They are out there, look for them and donate to them. People who don't 
have the money to run $50,000.00 ads about what good work we do. (cost of 
producing the ad, the stations donate the airtime to run them)

Yes I'm a cold hearted bastard who doesn't feel any compassion. Think about 
it though, shouldn't we take a little responsibility for our own actions?


In a message dated 9/1/2005 8:05:24 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
From: JabbaHursty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Mercedes mailing list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

it has to do as well with the government having given up on the 
concept that they are even vaguely responsible for the protection of 
its citizens.  I'm no longer sure they still even acknowledge any 

look at how as i type this they continue to stand by and allow the 
carnage in new orleans to continue unabated.

useless bastards still never forget to come for your money though

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