ernest breakfield wrote:
>    just to be clear, i don't dislike Canada and/or Canadians in general; i
> do some work for a Canadian company, and find much of what's said by
> them rather amusing, in a quaint sort of way... they certainly seem to
> think highly of themselves and seem to like to hate us so, but they
> still can't seem to get by without us... it's a giggle!

They probably think we're a bunch of Shatner-stealing Mexico-touchers. ;)

Seriously, though, I haven't really run into that in the Canadians I've
met.  Most of them certainly prefer their country to ours, but don't
seem that interested in plugging it unless I ask.  It's an interesting
sort of patriotism, rather different from the "rah rah, love us or else,
we can kick your asses" attitude that passes for patriotism here.

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