Donald, I couldn't get past your #3 as I just saw this BS last week
and if you had taken the time to check the facts, (strange to say that
to an attorney!) you would see that she said nothing about taxing
retirement funds.

The rest of your points are unfounded as well....for instance, the
"tax increase" is nothing more than getting us back to square one
before the tax credits for rich Americans were handed out on a silver
spoon. Things were just fine back then so don't worry. Oh wait, I
guess invasion costs of many triilions of dollars may have a bearing
on our economy as well so i wouldn't worry about the rich having to
pay taxes.


On 7/1/08, Donald Snook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Peter wrote: "I'm amazed, I though Nam was the screwup of the century, guess 
> we moved on to a new one.  I cannot think of another situation short of the 
> American Revolution where every single decision was the worst possible 
> alternative, and the worst possible person put in charge."
> If Barack Obama is elected, you will see something worse. 2000-2008 will be 
> the good old days.  Let me just give you a glimpse of what BHO wants to do.
> 1.        End the Bush tax cuts (this will be the SINGLE LARGEST across the 
> board tax increase EVER).
> 2.        Increasing taxes ALWAYS has a negative effect on investing, 
> savings, production, hiring, expansion, and growth.
> 3.        Nancy Pelosi will have a willing President to help her in her plan 
> to tax (up to 70%) your retirement accounts.
> 4.        There will be attempts to Nationalize the Oil companies (there has 
> already been rumblings of this in the House - see Maxine Waters)
> 5.        Pollution taxes - just wait till your old smelly diesel is taxed 
> because it contributes 10 times the pollution of newer cars.
> 6.        Nationalized Health Care, I know Doctors are have already said they 
> moving to Latin America to open up Clinics for Americans who have the money 
> to pay for health care and don't want to be cared under government programs.
> 7.        If nothing is done with Social Security, it will be Bankrupt by 
> 2015.
> 8.        HUGE numbers of Judges will appointed to the Circuit Courts of 
> Appeals (the layer of Courts right below the US Supreme Court). The democrats 
> have been blocking HUNDREDS of Judges. BHO's judges will greatly expand the 
> authority of government.
> 9.        THE largest increase in government spending ever. The Era of big 
> government just got its Messiah.
> 10.    The most liberal senator will become the most liberal president.
> 11.    Crazy liberal whackjobs like George Soros will become members of 
> cabinet.
> 12.    Relations with Isreal will plummet to new lows as BHO recognizes and 
> meets with every political group in the middle east bent on Isreal's 
> destruction.
> 13.    Iran will build its nuclear weapon and as pissed off as Isreal will 
> be, the dialogue between the two will become increasingly bitter.
> 14.    As soon as BHO pulls all of the troops out of Iraq, Iran will move in 
> and take over the Country.  Iran will become the new big bad bully of the 
> middle east, with the manpower, money, and infrastructure to destroy anything 
> in the middle east that it wants to.
> This is just a snapshot.
> Donald H. Snook
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