Picked up a "Craftsman" sandblasting kit at Sears.  Made in China.  I
use the quotes because certainly this would not have qualified for the
Craftsman name 20 years ago.  Maybe not even 10 years ago.

Anyway -- I'm trying to rejuvinate a rusty gas tank.  The interior is
good.  The exterior is rusty, but no perforations, I don't think it's
very deep anywhere but bubbly under the paint or undercoat or whatever
is on the tank.

Tried scraping, wire brushing, naval jelly, and methylene chloride
paint stripper. Nothing worked very well IMO.

So I saw this sandplaster for $25 and thought "that's cheaper than
buying more paint stripper" so I decided to give it a try.  Seems to
work very well, though the play sand I'm tried using is too wet right
now.  Should I use that white silica sand?

Do I need to worry about blasting through the metal at all?  I assume
if it's rusted enough that I put a hole in it that it was not long for
life anyway.  But I've never sandblasted before so I'm not sure how
quickly I could eat through the sheet metal.

1983 300D

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